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Man Receiving Counseling Peak Psychological Services Therapist in Aurora Colorado

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy in Aurora, CO

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), at least one in five Americans suffer from some form of mental health issue. This includes depression, anxiety, eating disorders, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), and more. PTSD develops after exposure to a horrible event, often found in veterans and active military members, as well as those who have suffered from things such as abuse or lived through a natural disaster. When trauma occurs, our bodies naturally go into survival mode, kicking off a series of automatic responses known as “fight or flight.” PTSD is what happens when time moves on from the event, but your brain and body do not. Since this specific disorder is rooted in involuntary internal responses, it makes sense that the best treatment includes reprogramming those responses. This technique is known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, or EMDR.

How Does EMDR Treatment Work?

Deciding to get help is the best thing you can do for yourself, and at Peak Psychological Services, we are standing by ready to help you live your best life moving forward. For those suffering from PTSD, anxiety, or depression, EMDR is an excellent option to pursue. EMDR consists of revisiting traumatic events from the past in a safe, regulated space with the goal of assigning new emotions to those memories. One of our EMDR experts will guide you through a conversation about the negative memories while simultaneously leading you through an external stimulation exercise. For example, your eyes will follow the therapist’s finger as it goes back and forth in front of your face as you speak. The to-and-fro motion of your eyes replicates the body’s REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state, activating the parts of the brain that handle processing of memory and information. As you work through sessions, you will find that your body will begin to relax as you recall unfortunate experiences.

How Effective is EMDR and Is It Right For Me?

Research indicates a high success rate for EMDR therapy. In fact, one study even showed that 100% of the patients with a single trauma event were able to remedy their PTSD after just six 90-minute sessions. EMDR therapy may be right for you if you have served in the military, have suffered a traumatic event in your life, have intense phobias, depression, panic attacks, or more. The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for EMDR is to consult with a member of our team. Contact Peak Psychological Services today to take control of your mental health and future!

Personalized EMDR Treatment IN AURORA, CO

Peak offers evidence-based treatments that vary based on the needs of each individual. Through an initial intake conversation, Peak will work with individuals to match them with one of our highly experienced professionals, offering flexible options including in-office care or convenient teletherapy. We accept Tricare insurance, health insurance provided for military members, veterans, and their families.

If you are interested in finding a Tricare counselor in Aurora, please request an appointment or a free 15-minute phone consultation to get started toward a brighter future.